Proper Phosphorus Fertilization

 Establishing turf on sports fields is an ongoing process and a critical element used is phosphorus.  Phosphorus is a major element that is especially critical during turf/seedling establishment. In mature stands phosphorus is critical component important in the energy (ATP) required for growth. A proper balance between soil phosphorus levels and that needed for growth is both environmentally sound and necessary for maintaining quality turf.

The ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) roughly falls in a 4:1:3 ratios. By using a fertilizer with an N: P2O5 ratio of 4:1 you will roughly maintain the current soil test levels of phosphorus. If you use a ratio less than 4:1 such as 2:1 or 3:1 you will contribute to the phosphorus levels in the soil. On the other hand if you use a fertilizer ratio greater than 4:1 like 8:1 or 10:1 you will slowly deplete the phosphorus in the soil. You can either build-up, maintain, or deplete phosphorus levels over time by the fertilizer you use.

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