Search results for: Subdue Maxx Fungicide

Subdue Maxx


For control of diseases on ornamental plants; ornamental bulb, corm, and tuber plants; conifers and conifer nurseries; Christmas trees and Christmas tree plantations; forest plantations; forest nurseries; and non-bearing citrus trees and fruit and nut plants grown in greenhouses and nurseries (including field- and container-grown plants grown outdoors and in shade houses, lath houses and other production sites and structures), retail nurseries, residential and commercial landscapes, and interior plantscape ornamentals. For control of disease of vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers. For control of diseases on turf.

Active Ingredient(s): Mefenoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-796

Currently Approved States
Currently Approved Use Sites
Labeled Pests
Worker Safety Information