Dollar Spot Solutions | GreenCast | Syngenta
Predict Dollar Spot with the Smith-Kerns Model

Based on the Smith-Kerns model, this tool can help you maximize your dollar spot control by optimizing the timing of applications based on recommended thresholds for dollar spot development.

Input your zip code and select a date range below to see the dollar spot risk for your area.



High risk, consider tightened intervals, tank-mixtures, or increased rates to bolster protection
Elevated risk, continue preventive applications on prescribed intervals
Moderate risk, preventive fungicide applications necessary
Low risk, prepare for preventive applications
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Research behind the Smith-Kerns model shows that dollar spot symptoms can be prevented if turf is treated with a solid dollar spot management program before or when the risk reaches a 20% threshold, and applications continue through the season. Sign up to be automatically notified of the dollar spot risk in your area.

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Hear more from Paul Koch, Ph.D. about when to use PosterityĀ® Forte vs Posterity XT fungicides.

Leading Dollar Spot Solutions

The Syngenta portfolio provides numerous leading dollar spot control options including:

Posterity Forte Fungicide

Powered by three active ingredients to prevent dollar spot for up to 28 days plus added brown patch and leaf spot control.

Posterity XT Fungicide

Provides 28 days of control of 20+ diseases including dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch.

Posterity Fungicide

Holds strong for up to 28 days of focused dollar spot control.

Secure Action Fungicide

SecureĀ® Actionā„¢ is the leading fungicide for curative dollar spot control for efficacy and resistance management. With a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl, Secure Action provides 14-21 days of dollar spot control and protects against abiotic stressors like drought and heat.

Daconil Action Fungicide

DaconilĀ® Actionā„¢ fungicide can also be used for dollar spot resistance management. With a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl it provides 14-21 days of control and protects against abiotic stressors like drought and heat.

View all the dollar spot treatments in the Syngenta portfolio.

Hear more from Paul Koch, Ph.D. about when to use PosterityĀ® Forte vs Posterity XT fungicides.

Agronomic Approach to Dollar Spot Control

Syngenta agronomic programs help superintendents plan appropriately for the season ahead. These programs have been thoroughly researched and tested by technical experts to help your turf defend against dollar spot so it performs at its best and quickly recovers from stress.

When following an agronomic program for dollar spot control, it is important to include multi-site contact fungicides like Secure Action or Daconil Action as part of a season-long approach. These fungicides attack the dollar spot pathogen at multiple sites versus a single site and can mitigate the risk of resistance development. They also help control dollar spot strains found to be resistant to other chemistries. Fungicides with multiple modes of action like BriskwayĀ®, Posterity XT or Posterity Forte help manage resistance and help control multiple pathogens all season.

To help you get started, review these sample dollar spot agronomic programs.

And to see our more than 50 agronomic programs and find one tailored to your specific region and grass type, visit our Interactive Agronomic Programs finder. Or contact your local territory manager to order an agronomic program poster for easy reference all season long.
Dollar Spot Resistance Management

When making dollar spot applications, resistance management should always be considered and preventive applications should be prioritized. Preventive applications are active before a pathogen is present while curative applications can accelerate resistance development by exposing more pathogens to the mode of action.

To help manage resistance, we recommend these best practices:
  • For optimal timing and control, follow a Syngenta agronomic program that positions applications based on conditions that favor pathogen growth.
  • Do not make more than two sequential applications of any SDHI fungicide. Rotate and/or tank-mix a Posterity brand fungicide or VelistaĀ® fungicide with low- or medium-risk chemistries that are not in FRAC Group 7.
  • Rotating applications of single-site fungicides with a multi-contact fungicide can also help with resistance management. On greens, tank-mix and/or rotate Velista and/or a Posterity brand fungicide with Daconil Action, Secure Action and Briskway fungicides. On fairways, rotate a Posterity brand fungicide with Secure Action and/or Daconil Action.
  • If curative applications are required, a multi-site contact fungicide like Secure Action is an excellent choice for efficacy and resistance management.

Dollar Spot Disease Experts

Hear from dollar spot experts about their research and recommendations for dollar spot control.


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