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Archive: August 2021

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ABW still causing some trouble in here and there central and northern New JerseyAugust 31, 2021

Annual bluegrass weevils (ABW) are still rearing their heads here and there in New Jersey. The spottiness of ABW is pretty normal in summer, especially...

You must be happy it’s August - Not always!August 23, 2021

August is always a very important and tough month for golf course care in the Mid-Atlantic and North East regions. A few of the major issues include...

Very little ABW activity occurring in Blacksburg, Virginia – Mid AugustAugust 17, 2021

There was a spike of new ABW adults in the first week of August at Blacksburg Country Club, but this apparently did not lead to any significant larval populations.

Weevil Trak Blog for August 17: It DependsAugust 17, 2021

All of the sites in our region were advanced into “Scout for Stage 6.” The next couple of days people called me to ask what they should be applying and...

Recommendations are based on observations from field researchers and may differ based on geography. Always apply product based on your local conditions.

Acelepryn and Ference are Not for Sale, Sale Into, Distribution and/or Use in Nassau, Suffolk, Kings and Queens Counties of New York State.

© Syngenta. Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local Extension Service to ensure registration status. Ference™ is a Restricted Use Pesticide in the State of New York. Scimitar GC is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Acelepryn®, Ference™, Provaunt® and Scimitar® are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.

(This site has attempted to provide the most accurate, timely information possible on this site. The descriptions, pictures and other representations of products and treatment recommendations on this micro-site may contain inaccuracies and errors. The site owner does not make any warranty or representation with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any such information, and all users of this site should consult their own specialists regarding application decisions and timing.)