Get pre-emergent weed control this spring in lawns and landscape beds

By Ron Townsend, M.S., technical services manager for Syngenta

Barricade® 4FL and Barricade 65WG herbicides are premier pre-emergent herbicides that deliver low-rate, season-long efficacy against more than 30 of the most troublesome weeds, including crabgrass, chickweed, oxalis, goosegrass, Poa annua and spurge in lawns and landscape beds. Both formulations are non-staining and easy-to-use, offering maximum convenience.

Sign up for agronomic alerts to receive timely updates that can help with application timing for tough weeds like dallisgrass, crabgrass, doveweed and more.

A volume discount is available for Barricade 4FL and Barricade 65WG. Barricade 65WG is also available for use on fertilizer. Plus, a new 4-fluid ounce Barricade 4FL container is available for backpack applications. Barricade is safe to apply over the top of many ornamental plants (see label for tolerant species).

Longest-lasting for season-long control

As the longest-lasting pre-emergent weed control available, Barricade brands offers:

  • Season-long control with one application
  • Flexibility for split applications in typical lawn care rounds one and two
  • A guaranteed crabgrass control program

View the Barricade Herbicide Application Guarantee Program sheet for more details.

Prevent new growth

Barricade brands help control susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds.

  • Weed control is most effective when Barricade 4FL or 65WG (or Barricade on fertilizer) is activated by at least 0.25 inch of rainfall or irrigation before weed seeds germinate and within 14 days following application
    • Landscape beds should be free of weeds prior to Barricade applications
  • Crabgrass will germinate when soil temperatures reach approximately 60 F at a 2-inch depth for at least two days in late winter/early spring
  • You can track soil temperature with these Soil Temperature Maps

Barricade + Tenacity

If you have missed your timing for crabgrass germination, Barricade brands can be combined with a post-emergent herbicide like Tenacity® herbicide. On several turfgrass species, Tenacity + Barricade 4L or 65WG will help control: 

  • Crabgrass
  • Many dicot weeds such as dandelion and oxalis, both pre- and post-emergent, widening the window for control of many troublesome weeds 
  • See the Tenacity label for weed list and tolerant turfgrass species

Convenient 4-fluid ounce bottle size
Talk to your distributor about the latest 4-fluid ounce bottles of Barricade 4FL. Below is a conversion chart to help you convert rates to fl. oz./1,000 ft.2

Assumption - 1 gal. spray covers 1,000 ft.2

 Rates per: 4-oz. bottle coverage
 How many ounces to put in a sprayer by size

  Acre1,000 ft.2
 1 gal.2 gal.3 gal.4 gal.5 gal.10 gal.15 gal.
 Barricade 4FL 210.58,000 ft.2
 310.755,333 ft.2

Watch below to learn more about the Barricade 4FL 4-fluid ounce bottle:

Barricade rate conversions

Season-long crabgrass and grub control. One application.
In northern geographies, the timing of pre-emergent herbicides (from April 1 through May 15) coincides with the application timing of preventive grub control. So, instead of making multiple applications to meet your preventive crabgrass and white grub control needs, upgrade to ONE application of Barricade 4FL or Barricade 65WG herbicide and Acelepryn® insecticide to keep both crabgrass and white grubs in check. You can save time by combining the longest lasting crabgrass control product with the longest lasting grub control product for season-long results.

For more information about weed control, contact your local Syngenta territory manager.

© 2024 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Acelepryn®, Barricade®, Tenacity® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective third-party owners.

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